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Are you wondering what would be the best electricity contract for you? Before contacting us, check our electricity products down below.
OMA Huoleton
This is a non-fixed-term contract. OMA Huoleton is an easy choice if you do not want to worry about your electricity contracts on a regular basis. It is our most popular electricity product.
OMA 12kk / OMA 24 kk
The contract has a fixed term of 12 or 24 months. In the OMA 12 or OMA 24 kk contract, the price remains the same for the entire period of contract. You will receive a new offer from us a month before the termination of the fixed-term contract at the latest.
Priima is a non-fixed-term contract. Priima is a product where the price changes on an hourly basis depending on the market price of the Nord Pool Spot, Finnish bidding area. The price in the Priima contract consist of a fixed charge and energy prices.
To speed up transaction, fill in your customer number (old customers) on the form. You can find the customer number in the upper right corner of the invoice, from the field called ”Asiakasnumero”.